Chance International Properties L.L.C (Chance), is a Cayman Island company backed by private Middle-Eastern investors. It was incorporated in April 2009 to invest in international real estate across Europe. The company is specialized in direct, income generating real estate investments in mature markets. The company targets value-add investment opportunities, whereas, in addition to quarterly cash distributions to the investors, capital appreciation can be driven by physical and/or managerial asset management initiatives.
Chance invests in a wide range of asset classes such as offices, retail, recreational, multifamily, student housing, budget hotels, mixed-use, etc. While most of the investments are focused on value-add income generating assets, a portion of the equity is allocated to selective property developments. Targeted opportunities typically range from $15 to $30 million, however different sizes are considered on a case by case basis. Chance observes high standards of business ethics and carefully selects its properties and tenants.
In order to optimize the effect of tax liabilities in target markets while withholding taxes on dividends and capital repatriation, Chance’s investments are made through a tax-efficient structure that was engineered and incorporated in cooperation with reputed international legal firms and tax consultants across different geographies.
The equity of Chance is currently invested in Europe. Chance’s current investments include an office portfolio across the Netherlands, three well-maintained commercial assets and a recently acquired retail park in the United Kingdom. Chance has successfully exited two properties in the United Kingdom and continues to seek investment projects with added value. The management team aims to further develop Chance’s business strategy through equity increases and new acquisitions.